

What’s Your Story?

Early in my career, I worked for a public relations firm called Edelman PR HealthCare Division in New York City. It was here that I jumped right in and helped to usher in Pfizer’s Lipitor and Viagra, two blockbuster drugs for the mega-giant. As we were formulating our public relations strategy, one thing we’d always ask our clients is, “how do you want to tell the story.” In other words, how do you want the audience to relate to what you are trying to TELL them? How will they benefit? While the word “storytelling” has been overused in marketing circles but telling your business story is an excellent way to get your message to your desired target audience.

Why Public Relations is So Important

In my 27 years of being in marketing communications, I still see businesses struggling to tell the audience what is it that they really provide…what is your public persona? Public relations help businesses create a positive persona with the audiences they want to reach. Telling your business stories gives your clients/customers/investors a good understanding of the company’s values, and mission but most importantly, how it benefits them.

The Right Agency Can Help

Public relations firms or consultants create the “storytelling” to address the pain point facing your customers/client whether it’s a B2B or B2C relationship. A concise, persuasive, and well-written, press release by a professional can do just that. What public relations is not: advertising!! Advertising is unearned media, meaning you pay to get your story out. Advertising can help build your audience but it can be expensive and you have total control over the messaging. Public relations stories are earned and if done correctly, it’ll be favorable to the desired audience your business is trying to reach. However, the control belongs to the outlet that is doing the writing. Public relations is a subset of the marketing plan but should not be looked at as the “wicked sister” to marketing but rather as an important part of the overall plan. Public relations builds trust, is less expensive but you first have to get past the media you are pitching. Establishing a relationship with a media professional is the best way to steer your message in the right direction.

Tell Your Story

So what’s your business story??? Public Relations is the enjoyable side of storytelling. Making sure the target audience knows what you’re about and what you are offering is vital. Following the right public relations strategy will help, your business thrive and grow!

Dana Newell

President and CEOu003cbru003eDana is a 27-year marketing and social media expert helping businesses achieve successful marketing campaigns
