A Message of Thanks


A Message of Thanks

Can we Zoom?

As we think about the Thanksgiving holiday and all the disruptions, we’ve had this year, it can make you want to go hide under the covers.  The amount of loss in deaths and sicknesses has to say the least been overwhelming.  COVID-19, that pesky bug, has taken over everything that we consider normal in our everyday lives.  A simple trip to the grocery store now takes on a whole new meaning.  My husband, a trauma surgeon, has to take special precautions to keep himself safe while trying to keep us, his family safe. Families all across this country have had to adapt and adopt this new way of living.  Companies big and small had to re-engineer into a virtual workplace.  Who knew that Zoom would become the “buzz” word for 2020?  It’s now, I’ll Zoom you, or let’s meet over Zoom, or have a virtual drink or networking event over Zoom.  Zoom has now taken over almost everything in our lives, and while I’m not complaining, it’s the human interactions I as well as others, miss the most. It’s for this reason I appreciate and I’m thankful for Zoom.

Zoom has taken over

A Special Day

Over the course of these nine-months of living with COVID, I had personal tragedies.  I’ve lost a family member and several friends to this disease.  While it was very sad to lose my friends and family, Zoom afforded me the opportunity to connect and say goodbye of the funerals of my loved ones.  It is also the reason why at times I resent Zoom and this virus because not being able to say a proper goodbye or not connecting with my dear family has been all the more heartbreaking. But there hope and joy.  My oldest daughter got married on October 10.  Although very small, fifteen before the rules changed yet again, it was just what the doctor ordered.  It gave us a sense of normalcy even if for a little while before we hunkered down again.

Morgan and Corey Gensler

We Are All in This Together

Businesses boarded up and marketing activities for many clients have taken a back seat for a little while, I’ve been busy helping on a volunteer basis with their emerging, small, medium, or large with questions about marketing and how it can fit with the “great disruption.” Being able to give back in some small way has given me joy and a sense of purpose beyond all mighty dollar and while I’m paying it forward, my hope it that the Universe will forward clients in my direction.  We all can do what we can to help one another during this particular time because we truly are all in this together.

I Am Thankful

Although I won’t see my family this year for Thanksgiving, I’m thankful: What Am I Thankful For: my family, friends, good food, a warm home, three dogs that love me unconditionally, finals for my youngest daughter being over, my new son-in-law, great clients, and a wonderful husband who’s also a first responder. I’m even thankful for the Zoom book clubs, wine sipping, weddings, client meetings, and networking events.

Cherish your family because they are precious and cherish your time because one thing this pandemic has taught us is that we were really missing both going about in our hectic lives.  Be thankful and HAPPY THANKSGIVING!

Dana Newell

President and CEO
